Now, even though I've been kind of distraught about all of this job business, I've been doing a lot of things I always told myself I would do when I had the time, and even knocking off some resolutions... some examples include:
Re-trying starting a sourdough starter with the help of Ross - I tried this about a year ago and it ended in probably the worst baking project to date.. but a good learning experience nonetheless. This time we'll show this starter who's boss.
Going to the farmers market, also with Ross (Ross is pretty much my cooking/bread baking partner in crime, so you can pretty much guess all of my food projects will involve him), which resulted in some amazing dinner: roasted beets and parsnips over lentils and topped with goat cheese - Ross also made amazing rosemary/ olive oil/ sea salt no knead bread to go with this. We also plan on making homemade mayonnaise in the near future (which I've never made before), and last week we made eggs florentine with homemade hollandaise. Saying we've been eating well is kind of an understatement.
To go along with resolution #8, I started P90X with Mike/Jesse/Ross yesterday morning, and after plyometrics this morning, I'm sore in a lot a places, to say the least. Plus since I'm pretty used to getting up early and having to be ready to go, our 6:30am wakeup call isn't too out of the ordinary for me... but I still want to punch Tony Horton in the face sometimes.