Well Cookies, it's job search - day 15 - Two interviews down; one declined, one pending. I think it's safe to say I really want the pending job, and I'm kind of getting my hopes up. The job is at a bread bakery, which is kind of my ultimate goal, and since I don't have much experience with bread, they would be willing to train me. Keeping my fingers crossed.
You may be wondering where the title of this post came from... a bunch of us Rochester girls have been hard at work preparing a performance for Northeast Girl Jam next weekend, so needless to say, we've had some pretty hilarious quotes from some of our practices. But on a more serious note, it's a great change choreographing a piece for five girls vs. two, and really seeing your vision come to life. Can't wait to see how it turns out.
In everyday life adventures, my and Ross's starter, who we've named Big Bertha, is coming along quite nicely. But one thing to definitely note: sourdough is weird. We decided on Saturday night that she was ready to start baking, so we proofed the sponge overnight, and made dough in the morning. All of Sunday - nothing. Absolutely nothing. She wouldn't rise at all, and was seemingly inactive, aka dead dough. I was extremely frustrated by this, especially with my last horrible sourdough experience. So by the end of Sunday, I stuck the dough in the oven, not wanting to look at it any longer, and not having the courage to throw it out.
Then the weirdness started.
Monday morning after P90X, I opened the oven, the dough at actually started to rise. After that, smooth sailing, like the disaster that was Sunday had never happened at all. It rose like a dream, baked beautifully, and tasted delicious. I'm still letting Bertha sit out a few days longer just in case, so maybe next time this situation won't happen again.
Alright, enough ranting about jobs, choreographing and sourdough - hope to see you at Girl Jam!