Sunday, August 15, 2010


I have some confessions to make about Sundays. I love them. I love waking up early when I'm alone in the house, making pancakes, getting coffee at boulder, and in general collecting my thoughts.

Recently (e.g. today) I've been reading way too much Joy the Baker for my own good. I totally love this woman- witty, creative, quirky, and pictures. How I adore her pictures. Even the pictures of her don't make me hate her because of how beautiful she is, but rather make me want to hang out in her kitchen and go shopping together.

While Joy seems to justify eating way too many baked things for my own good, Heidi over at 101cookbooks helps me remember to eat my whole grains and veggies and even convince me that they taste just as good. I made her Buttermilk Farro Salad with barley last night, and had leftovers this afternoon. Hot damn, that woman knows her stuff.

Aside from indulging my blog habit and eating pancakes, I decided to putz around Target and buy some stuff I don't really need. Does anyone else have this problem? I go into target to buy mascara and I end up spending $20. I don't know how it happens. Really.

Oh, and I decided I'm going to Seattle in October. Try to stop me. :)