Sunday, September 12, 2010

flours, meals and you.

I knew when I moved here that there must be a plethora of awesome places that were just waiting to be found. Niblack Foods is one of those places. Ross told me about Niblack and how they have a ton of different hard to find flours and baking ingredients for super cheap. We made a trip out to Henrietta and behold, baking heaven.

Here are some of the things I found, and totally love -

Whole wheat pastry flour. Kind of brilliant, kind of genius, kind of the best thing ever. I love using it in breakfast things like pancakes, waffles or muffins. Makes you feel full faster but without the super gluteny texture you get with regular WW flour.

White WW flour. I'm all about regular WW flour, and I love the super nutty flavor, but sometimes it can be a little intense, so the white is a nice change to breads or pizza dough.

Flax seeds/flax seed meal. I love flax seeds. I put them on my yogurt every morning, ground up in pancakes, breads, waffles, pizza dough, you name it. They're super good for you, raising your good cholesterol and lowering the bad. Plus they're super nutty and tasty to boot!

Don't get me wrong, AP flour totally has it's place and purpose, but these are definitely some different and tasty additions that will make your baking life more interesting.
